Friday, November 2, 2018

Warm Weather and Weddings

What can I say....

It's November already!!

And, it's Friday - so it's time for Willy Nilly Friday Five. Thank you, Tom, for hosting this fun linky.

1. I started out the month right. I went for my annual physical/wellness checkup this morning. At age 84 I am doing great, little to complain about and looking forward to many more years of having fun! This picture was made this spring. Either the lighting was perfect or something but it turned out pretty good for an ole chick.

2. And, with age, your kids get to worrying about you so I am now on my son's cellphone account. One of those 'onstar' type thingys came with my new cellphone. Boy, am I in trouble. My son can check up on my driving anytime he wants. Well, let's see. driving home the other day I went 2 miles, used .1 gallons gas and never got over 48 miles an hour. Yes, I live in town, no hotrod driving around here. But, I am going to have to mind my ps and qs... Big Brother Son is watching!!!

3. The weather is ridiculous. In the high 70s. Wish it would stay that way another week so that when my Granddaughter has her outdoor wedding we won't freeze our tails off!!

4. Speaking of wedding. This picture is of the brides' mom (my daughter) and her uncle (my son) and me standing on a pier near where the wedding will take place. I can't wait to share pictures of the wedding but you know I'll have to wait until the bride gives her ok... I mean, I can't upstate her!!

5. I had to take my car in the other day. Had a leak. When I went to pick it up my eye wanders over to the sales department... and my feet followed... Oh my... how I would love to have the keys to this little jewel.


  1. Oh my! What a car! And you look pretty good, too!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. You look mahvelous! And that car might help you look even more wonderful, though it could also get you in trouble with your son! Happy times ahead with a wedding to attend...

  3. LOL--Love that little sports car number...I can see it with your personalized license plate on it! LaTane84
    You look really one would ever guess you were 84. I hope I look half that good when I am your age. You have a few years on me but I will be there before I know it.
    Have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

  4. What a nice post, Mom! Read NanaDiana's comment about you getting personalized license plates for that Mustang! She's right! :-) I really love that photo of you, Mom and also the one on the pier is great! Yes, hoping for good weather for that wedding!

  5. You are fabulous! Just thought I'd state the obvious. :)

  6. Looking good, Latane, both you and the car and together you looked great. GOod news on the medical check-up and looking forward to seeing the wedding photos too. Nice photo of you and you children too :-)

  7. You are looking great :)

    All the best Jan

  8. I have a list of things to fix on my car too, Latane, and I'm getting it done one at a time. You look amazing in this picture, and you're still driving!

    Happy November days.


  9. Love the vehicle and great snap of you!


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