Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Christmas Mug

I am having a cup of yummy hot raspberry cocoa this morning. Just great for a chilly morning. Don't you just love my JOY Mug? Red and white with candy all over it and JOY, JOY, JOY.

This morning I am feeling a little more at peace with all the Christmas rush. I've gotten a lot done (still have some more) but it's under control.

On my mind.... hmmm, let's see. My brain is just a whirling dervish this morning. Lots of thoughts but nothing specific.

....And she shall bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21


Those Great-grandbabies are so hugable!! I love their sweet kisses and arms reaching for me. Babies are such a blessing, sent from God, for us to cherish and care for always.

For more Tea Talk Thursday join us over at Ruth's at and share a cup of tea and friendship.


  1. Yum hot chocolate and the grandchildren who could ask for anything better! I've gotten to be such a horrible procrastinator...will everything I'm meant to be doing be done by Christmas...I certainly hope so!

  2. Two necessities of life...Babies and Hot Chocolate!Hahaaaa

  3. So love our grandbabies! We're having them sleep over Saturday while the kids are at a part. Gonna be fun!

  4. Peace amid Christmas rush is what most people need right now, and you are blessed to have it.

    You are also blessed to have those adorable great-grandbabies. They're so cute!

    Thank you, Latane, for sharing your teatime with us.

    Have a blessed Christmas.


  5. Hi Latane,2 beautiful grandchildren who love getting hugs from you too!I read your previous post about the wreath laying, what a heart warming day for everybody.

  6. Hi Latane, I love the scripture. It is the reason for the season!

    Your grandbabies are getting very big! Oh what fun Christmas will be with them!......precious moments!



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