Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Fever

You've heard of hay fever? Well, I have pollen fever!! I love the springtime, hate the pollen. It makes me stay indoors. 

So, what do you do on a Monday morning when you are stuck inside? You poke around in your archives to see what pictures you might post this morning. Yep, that's what I'm doing. 

And, I can watch the geese out the window...

or the squirrel busy munching on lunch....

When the pollen goes away I will take a walk....

or sit on a bench....

and enjoy the flowers....

but, for now, I am stuck inside. 

linking with Mersad's Through My Lens


  1. Omigosh, Latane. Your blog is another that went poof. This dumping of blogs has been going on for a while I see. That's probably why numbed brain did not figure out until so many were gone that it added up. Adding you back. In the meantime, I hope that the pollen season doesn't last too long. I always find local honey to be a wonderful help with spring and fall allergies.

  2. it is lovely that you can see both flowers, squireels adn geese from your window

  3. I have spring fever too but unfortunately it's supposed to freeze here overnight. Sad, because many spring blossoms have already opened as you will see if you check out this week's post at my place: I hope you'll come drop by and link up.

  4. Beautiful spring photos! So sorry you can't get out! You sound pretty miserable. I got your awesome email this morning and will answer it soon. I just hate you are having pollen issues. It's a beautiful post!

  5. it's a shame that pollen is such a problem during the nicest time of the year!!! often when i am ready to open the windows, i can't because of the pollen!!!! pretty spring-ness!!!

  6. Such sweet signs of springtime...don't you love it! Beautiful photos Latane...made my day!

  7. Such sweet signs of springtime...don't you love it! Beautiful photos Latane...made my day!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The pollen is swirling around in a sea of yellow here as well my friend!! It bothers my hubby way more than me. Do you take anything for allergies? I liked your last post too ....the food looked great and it looked like fun!

  10. That must be awful. To be stuck indoors when the earth is waking up from a long winter.

    Love the Canada Geese.

  11. I would so love to spend a day reading on that bench <3

  12. Sorry you are stuck inside! I have many allergies but only two are for pollen and they only bother me about 5 days out of the year.

  13. such pretty pics but i am sorry you are stuck inside for the time being :(


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