Thursday, November 30, 2017

Stop In Your Tracks

There are days when everyone and everything seems to want something out of us.. time, attention, help, approval, acceptance, solving problems, stopping fights (if children are involved). We just get worn out from all the scurrying about trying to take care of everyone else's problems. 

What would happen if we just stopped in our tracks, took a deep breath and told ourselves, "I am not going to react to that anymore."

If we are standing still, observing instead of getting involved, the attention is redirected. They will learn how to help themselves and solve their own problems. If we don't get involved in other's angst, they might stop to see what our reaction is and our demeanor possibly will spread a calm over the situation and things will be resolved. All because we took the stance of not getting involved in someone else's turmoil.


I hope you will visit often and leave a comment when you do. My blogging friends always put a smile on my face.