Wednesday, November 29, 2017


I was out shopping the other day. My tummy started whining... It's lunch, it said and since I was just doors from That Good BBQ I knew that is where I was headed. My tummy knows good barbeque. 

It's the neatest little place and the owner is so friendly and helpful. Last year they won a best barbeque award and I see why. 

I am linking with My Town Shootout today and want to share this fabulous place with you. I wish you had it near your house. 

This is a sampling of all their good food. Up front and center is the brisket. Oh my... I love it. Front and right is their pulled chicken and front and left is pulled pork. Directly behind the brisket is a barbeque rib. From the left, cheese and mac, baked beans, banana pudding, coleslaw and potato salad. Every bit of it is excellent. 

Just a bit of their unique decor. Love the pledge to the flag plaque. and there is actually a hole in the wall (I think it's where some duct is running through but how cute to announce it!!

One wall has a collection of state tags. I didn't take pics of it all. Wish I had now. But, if you are ever in Suffolk, Virginia... go by this place with an empty tummy. You won't leave that way!!


  1. If I am ever in Suffolk, Virginia ...I will give this place a try!

    All the best Jan

  2. Did you eat all of that or take some home for another meal?

  3. Love a good BBQ...and that place looks so neat.

  4. What a great place! Love all the delicious offerings - they all look so good - and banana pudding sounds wonderful.

  5. Will have to make a note of this. Thanks for the recommendation.

  6. I really enjoyed eating there with you when I came to visit. It's an awesome place, and the food is delicious! Nice post!


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