Monday, February 26, 2018

Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring are showing up everywhere. This tree was the first one I saw in bloom but within days, they were all over the place. 

    Loving it. However, the weatherman says Winter is not over yet.   
                                                              Durn!! I am so ready!

Linking with Macro Monday


  1. Winter is never ending here in WI. It starts at the end of October and we cannot plant anything outside until the first of June. At least you have something blooming there. xo Diana

  2. I could develop a good case of Spring fever if I saw those blossoms. So pretty.

  3. Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. We are expecting some more snoe later this week - winter is not done with us yet!

  5. Yep. Signs of spring: our first tick of the year!

  6. It looks very promising! Maybe the weathermen are wrong. 🌤

  7. Spring is getting close here in Kentucky. I think we are all ready for it!


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