Thursday, March 1, 2018

Signs of Spring #2.

Warm days bring blossoms. I see signs of spring everywhere now. If we can just get through March without it being winter again, that would be nice. I am so thankful for the beauty that surrounds me. Joining with Thankful Thursday and Little Things today. 

I saw a field of migrating geese the other day. That's a good sign that warmer weather is on it's way.

and this tulip tree was so gorgeous... in full bloom. Just hope we don't have a cold snap to ruin it's beauty. 


  1. Migrating birds and flowering trees - definite signs of Spring!
    Rained here all day yesterday, and still raining this morning. 'In like a lion, out like a lamb' Hope that's true
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Both beautiful photos, I am ever hopeful that Spring is on the way.

  3. That tree is beautiful and I love the geese, I love to listen to them when they fly over low so I can hear them

  4. That tree is so full of blooms. The ones we see here are spindly compared to that! Love those geese too. Happy Spring!

  5. The tulip tree is lovely! I am looking forward to spring.


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