Friday, March 30, 2018

Easter Five

Today is Good Friday so I thought I'd feature my Easter decorations today on  Five On Friday - Thankful Thursday - Little Things 

1. We have an arts/craft day about every three months here at the apartment complex. This time we made net wreaths. I wanted mine to be Eastery looking. And, added the B so people would know that Barton lives here. 

2. I put this little bunny on my reading table along with my books, the grape bookends and the Himalayan salt lamp. 

3. I love my Mama bunny with her cute little baby bunny. It sits atop a fern stand along with a vase of spring flowers. 

4. My daughter Susan sent me this adorable Easter basket... The bunny is just TOO cute and the basket is filled with goodies, too. 

5. And, most of all, let us not forget the reason we have Easter. Christ's death on the cross so that we might live! 

Happy Easter to each of you and may it be filled with God's blessings, now and always.


  1. Hi, I want to wish you a beautiful Good Friday and a Happy Easter. My big brother lives in Alabama. Retired Army. Love your Easter décor. I picked your blog up at Nana Diana's. Hope to visit again. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

  2. Love your post today, Latane. You have a wonderful bunny collection. You surely aren't looking in the right places for daffodils b/c I live in Powhatan VA and my daffodils are all over my acre woods in front of the house. They were up before the last snow. So pretty. My dh had planted hundreds in the years before he got sick so seeing them is sort of a memorializing of him. Wishing you a happy Easter on Sunday.

  3. A lovely post Latane.

    My good wishes to you ...

    All the best Jan

  4. Wonderful post, Mom! Love all your Easter decorations! I had planned to make two sugar eggs to replace two I have that are falling apart (Cane had asked me to do that a few years ago) but I just don't have the energy. Bought the molds. Will just have to get an earlier start next year! :-) The food truck doesn't need much from us, but it has been a little "hard" on us being over there a few times this past week 1/2. The fried apple pie dough recipe was changed and Y is very happy with the results. Their stove started acting up day before yesterday so they couldn't do the soft opening when they wanted to, so they put it off a few days. :-( Had Cane here & had a great visit! Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!!!

  5. Happy Easter to you ~ lovely photos!

    Happy Days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Love your wreath and decor, Latane. Happy Easter!

  7. Happy Easter! Loved seeing all your decor especially all the bunnies.

  8. How lovely to have craft workshops! I adore your wreath. I bought one!

  9. Happy Easter to you! Your Easter decorations are refreshing - we are still hunting for ours among all our boxes ... now it will have to be next year! How cool that your complex has an arts and crafts gathering - a neat way to meet people and create!!

  10. That’s beautiful. Blessings to you this Easter!

  11. I really like your new decorative designs! it's so beautiful so much and good idea on site.



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