Friday, April 6, 2018

April Five

Hello to everyone... and especially Tom. Thank you, Tom, for taking over the Willy Nilly meme. The five thingy just has fit me from day one and I look for great things moving forward!

#1. It's April. How did it get to be April so quickly this year? I think it was just yesterday that I was sleeping through the fireworks and celebrations welcoming 2018. I must have slept through a lot, come to think about it. So, here's to spring, April fools, Earth day and whatever else this month has to offer.

#2. April is Autism Awareness Month. My grandson, Owen, has autism. And, he and his family is featured in a short video. I hope you will click HERE and take a look at an incredible bunch of folks, (well, yes, I can brag on them if I want to.. they are mine!)

#3. I was out at my daughters the other day and took this picture. Maple (now what do you call that thing) lying on a plank surface. I just loved the position, the color, the artsy look. And, I may have to paint that very picture.

#4. I love jelly beans but I tell you, I am just about jelly beaned out since Easter. I think everyone is giving away their leftovers and I must look like a good candidate! 

#5. There's only one goose on the pond. There was another guy hanging around and one day the two guys got into a big fight and she left with the other goose. He looks lonely, doesn't he? Well, I can relate to that. 


  1. #1 time goes fast when you are have fun, we must be having a blast!
    #2 wonderful video.
    #3 as a kid I called helicopters, they are called samaras.
    #4 give me peeps any day.
    #5 only one? I could send you thousands, give me your address.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oh my, I just ate breakfast, and those jelly beans are making me hungry again!
    Love the maple photo. I think it would make a lovely painting.
    I was thinking of you yesterday - we were in north Alabama. Saw lots of birds at Wilson Dam (Florence).
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. I cannot believe it is already April. My school year is over May 15th and will be here before you know it. Have a great weekend, Latane!

  4. You know what they say - April showers bring May flowers - they are beginning to bloom...Yipee!

  5. How funny that Tom also called those maple thingys helicopters when he was growing up - and I had no idea the real name! I love jelly beans and peeps, so if you have extras, send 'em on over!


I hope you will visit often and leave a comment when you do. My blogging friends always put a smile on my face.