Saturday, April 14, 2018

Celebrating My 1000th Post

                                                                                                        It's time to 

                                                               This is Post # 1000 for me on Living Life On Main Street. 

                          So happy I have had this incredible experience with all of you lovely bloggers. It just can't be beat! 
                                                                   So, thank you for all your support, 
                                                                                     Your love
                                                                                  Your comments
                                                                                 You are the best!

Now, onward we go. 
Today I am feeling very springy! I am so tired of cold, wet weather and yet here I sit, listening to a thunderstorm on my Echo. But, that's dry wet! (grin)

My daughter decided I needed a picker-upper and bought me a beautiful new planter filled with geraniums, zinnas and some sort of little white flowering vine. I never can remember the name of it. The planter went out on my balcony and since my balcony is just off my living room, if the weather is bad I can see that lovely thing from my recliner! Loving it. 


  1. Congrats on 1000 posts! Love the beautiful flowers! x K

  2. Beautiful! What a thoughtful daughter you have!
    Congratulations on the 1,000th post!
    Rain here in northeast Mississippi today.

  3. What a lovely bouquet just beyond your patio door. Sweet girl who thought of you! A thousand! That’s a lot and not an easy task either. Warm congrats!

  4. Congratulations. The planter looks beautiful, such a thoughtful gift.

  5. Congratulations Latane on your 1.000 posts. I always enjoy your posts. You have such a zest for living. I also enjoy your other blogs on painting and lunch with your daughter. Your flower arrangement is so pretty and such a thoughtful gift.

  6. Congratulations on your 1000 posts. We are having record-breaking snow and cold temperatures today. Bring on spring!

  7. Congratulations! What a lovely arrangement. I know that brings a smile to your face.


I hope you will visit often and leave a comment when you do. My blogging friends always put a smile on my face.