Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Blue Birds

I just don't see any bluebirds where I live so when I was visiting my son in Alabama I was excited to spot a bluebird in his yard. These are the pictures I took. But, this bluebird was very shy... I could not get a picture of it except with it's back to me. Maybe next time. 

Joining Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Bluebirds are always a joy to see.

  2. They are so much fun to watch. We have more bluebirds around our house than any other bird. The juveniles are plentiful this year. Nice shots!

  3. No Bluebirds at my house either, but I do see some in city park occasionally. The second photo is a sure winner!
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  4. I seldom see a bluebird anymore. They used to be everywhere...

  5. These are some sweet pictures :)

  6. I love these photos! Beautiful bluebird!

  7. I love bluebirds! We don't have any, we used to have boxes from a previous owner. Three cats, you see. There are boxes all along our highways, though.

  8. Such lovely birds, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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