Friday, June 15, 2018

Dismal Swamp Five

Yesterday was Flag Day. I meant to put my flag outside but I never did get it done. Just a small one in the house. Nobody to see it but me!
The photo is not mine... I stole it off Pinterest. 

Not too long ago my daughter Shirley heard me say I'd love to go to the Great Dismal Swamp and she just wheeled into the place and we enjoyed seeing something that I live very close to and had never visited. 

Here I am on the walkway down to the Underground Railway Pavillion. Not much down there but it was good to get out in the woods and walk.

As you can see I am never without my camera. And, when I am walking on unfamiliar ground.. I have a cane for support. So, I was good to get some fantastic pictures.

We saw Lake Drummond. It is named for one of my husband's ancestors. He discovered it back before North Carolina was a state.

So, that's my five for Willy Nilly Friday Five


  1. Looks like a lovely part of nature and a walk throegh forest is always good.
    Enjoy your weekend

  2. ...with a name like Great Dismal Swamp, are they trying to get folks to stay away? Man oh man, that a honker of a camera! And here I thought that the cane was to beat the men off with! Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

    1. You are so funny, Tom. Men, no thank you.... and are you making fun of my camera? I bet yours is the honker!! You take such great pictures.

  3. I forgot to put our flag out too. - My that Great Dismal Swamp sounds quite scary (just the name) - It looked like a very pretty and peaceful place. - Always good to have one's camera on hand. That last picture is so serene looking.

  4. Excellent! I love posts like this...the Dismal Swamp is so beautiful and I'm so proud of our connection to Lake Drummond. Great photos, Mom!

  5. I have never been there either. It's not that far away though it would be an overnight from here. One day.

  6. The Dismal Swamp was closer to us when we lived in VA, yet we never went there and now we're in NH. Thanks for sharing your visit Latane.

  7. That sounds like a place I would like to visit!
    Thanks for your comment on my Bloom Day post. Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day is the 15th of each month. You don't have to have a garden to join in the fun. A Geranium blooming on your balcony would be a welcome entry. Or if your apartment building's landscaping has flowers, you could photograph those with a note, of course, that they are shared with other residents. I have bought a blooming house plant in the middle of winter to have a post for January or February!
    The Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day meme will be open for a few days, so there is still time to snap a photo, post on your blog, and link in to the meme. The secret is to visit as many Bloom Day bloggers as you can, and you will get a lot of return visits. We love all kinds of flowers!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


I hope you will visit often and leave a comment when you do. My blogging friends always put a smile on my face.