Saturday, July 7, 2018

Bright and Cheerful Cardinals

There is nothing more bright and cheerful than a cardinal. Some folks (especially in the south) call them red birds. Well, they are. Red, red, red!!

These were in my son's yard when I was visiting last. Of course, the camera was handy. 

                                      You all have a bright and cheerful weekend. 


  1. Great photos! I especially like the female on the feeder
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. red barns, I love cardinals!

  3. WoW Latane, beautiful captures, nice and crisp clear!! I like seeing them with their crests up! That’s a pretty feeder your son has! Have a happy weekend!!!!!

  4. Beautiful red birds! The females have a greyish tone. So pretty to see.

  5. They are just so red; it is quite remarkable how red a male Cardinal can be. I guess the brightest ones get the best looking gal?

  6. Hello, beautiful birds and photos. I especially love all the cardinals. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  7. Cardinals really are so showy and beautiful! You got great pics to share this week! Hugs!

  8. absolutely gorgeous! Sad to say I've never experienced one in real life here.

  9. Great shots! The cardinal looks rather bossy.

  10. Thank you for the compliments on my "tater" salad. I LOVE IT SO MUCH TOO! And I love to make it. I'm picky about it too and make it the old fashioned way. I do not like the kind they sell in the deli at the grocery for sure. We had left overs and about finished it off today!

  11. LOVE the red cardinals! They don't seem to be concerned about the squirrel.

  12. Just love the red cardinals, so nice to see your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  13. Thanks Latane...I love these birds and miss them when we’re at home in Oregon...have to travel to see them.

  14. Great birds! They hang out with other critters rather well.


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