Monday, July 9, 2018

A Trip Of A Lifetime

Recently I began posting a memory of mine on Facebook every Monday Morning. My friends/family are enjoying reading my memories and one day I thought... "hey, maybe I will use that for my blog as well". So, here goes. 

Memory Monday....
Oh boy, we were an excited bunch of kids. The Walker County High School Band was going to Philadelphia to march in the American Legion Parade. We'd also be making stops in Washington, D. C. and New York City. Big time for most of us little country kids.
The band director got us our own private train car which would be pulled off to a side track while we did our thing in each city. Then we packed our bags and away we went.
Our first stop... Washington D. C. where we did some sightseeing. Our tour bus passed President Truman out for his morning walk. But, I couldn't get a picture. Yes, I was taking pictures even back then.

Then on to Philadelphia...It was August I think. I do remember it being very hot and our uniform jackets weren't made for summertime marching. People along the parade route would pass us paper cups of water so that we might have a drink as we marched.
Next... New York City. We stayed at the Governor Clinton Hotel, toured the Bronx zoo, some went to the top of the Empire State Building but those of us who weren't ready for such heights got to see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. 

One night we were turned loose in the city. Imagine that!! But, we all made it safely back to the hotel.
It was a trip I will never forget. Thank you, Mr. Merck, wherever you are, for making that trip possible for us.
************NOTE: come back every Monday for another memory of mine!


  1. A wonderful memory to share. Happy Monday.

  2. such a great post!! Memories!

  3. Wow!
    What a fantastic trip!
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. Can you imagine?! A President just out for his walk. Simpler times! What a wonderful plan to have your own that’s thinking!

  5. "Our tour bus passed President Truman out for his morning walk."

    Imagine that! The commenter above beat me to it, but I just had to say it too.

  6. Your own train car. Amazing trip for the times.

  7. Such a wonderful memory to share, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  8. What wonderful memories. Thanks for posting it so we could enjoy the walk down memory lane with you. xo Diana


I hope you will visit often and leave a comment when you do. My blogging friends always put a smile on my face.