Thursday, January 31, 2019

And Off To Court We Go

Do any of you remember that I was rear-ended Nov. 30th?  🚗

Nah, probably not , but finally today there was an end to it. 🤸

I had to go to court.... as a witness. Yes, I did witness that crash. And, this morning it was 20 degrees outside. 🌡 Not my favorite weather to be out running around. 

But, none of this was my fault and yet I have had to deal with it for 2 months.

First... dealing with the accident itself, the police, 👮 the wait on the police to get there and being rather shattered emotionally. The nerves are not quite what they used to be when I was younger.

Then I had to deal with the insurances... both of them and found out that now there is no adjuster to come out to inspect the damage. You take pictures with your cell phone to send to them and they judge by what you take as to the damage.  So, twice I had to take pictures, send them to two different insurance companies.

There was the collision repair people to deal with. They did a great job with the repair but it was back and forth down there to give them info, to take my car, do without it for days and then go back to get it.

And, now, this... going to court. 

But it's over. Hallelujah. and as I said, so thankful that it was minor enough that we both had no injuries. 

Linking with Thankful Thursday


  1. It doesn't sound at all pleasant. I hope that you were awarded the cost of your car repairs at the very least.

  2. It's so much trouble and all caused by someone else! I hope you are all through with it all and can get on with things! Hugs!

  3. These things are always such a hassle. Glad that it is over for you, Latane. Also glad that your were not injured. Thanks for linking up today.

  4. I'm so happy for you that it's done and over with! Not a pleasant experience, especially getting out so much in all that COLD!

  5. Thankfully it is all over now. Hope you have recovered from what is emotionally draining.

  6. It's the aftermath that is stressful, isn't it?! Happy it is over.

  7. So glad your ordeal is over with and your car is repaired.


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