Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veterans Day

Our Veterans Day this year is 11.11.11. World War I, also known as "The Great War, ended when an armistice between the Allied Nations and Germany was signed on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. November 11, 1918 became known as the end of "the war to end all war."

Veterans Day has been set aside to honor veterans from that war and many wars since. I'd like to honor my husband who served for 22 years in the U. S. Navy.

He enlisted in the Navy in 1948 and fought in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

                                                           Picture made in 1948
                                                            San Diego, California

Chief Willie Elbert Barton abt. 1963

Lt. Barton at the U. S. Naval Academy  1965

Laid to rest

May God bless you always and God bless the U.S.A.


  1. Oh Latane....this is beautiful! I am sure your Elbert would be so proud that you honored him. Yes, and God bless you, Latane, and God bless America.


  2. A special remembrance for your husband and his service!

  3. God bless you as well for sharing. What a handsome man you had too.

  4. Such a beautiful tribute and remembrance to your handsome husband....
    Keeping you always in my prayers...

  5. Wonderful post, Mom! I thought of Dad, today, and thought I would wait to honor him myself on my blog till Memorial Day, but he was one very special Veteran who will always be honored and remembered for all he did for us and for his country. And, we wives have to be considered there too...we also served in our won ways. Love you!

  6. OH, such a beautiful memorial to your husband. I am grateful to him. thanks for sharing those photos.


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