Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring is just around the Corner

Wouldn't you know it!! The weatherman is predicting snow for us on Wednesday night. I thought I'd had enough snow while I was in New York but I guess I can do with a tad more. I am so wanting spring and I do see some signs of it in my yard....

daffodils with their golden heads bobbing in the wind,

 forsythia buds bursting open

 a robin here or there.

Yes, Spring is just around the corner and I know that's so because daylight saving time starts this Sunday. (just a little joke on my part)

I am linking to Garden TuesdayOutdoor Wednesday and Home and Garden. Check these blogs out to see what's blooming in their neck of the woods.


  1. These are glorious pictures...especially to this New Yorker. We are covered in snow. Oh I love the flowers of spring!

  2. we have daffodils blooming around here i wonder if they will make it through the snow storm we are suppose to get tonight? poor things. ( :

  3. Yes, the birds are singing their hearts out by and again. But no flowers blooming yet. Snow is expected here also, but 50 degrees Saturday should do some serious melting..lol

  4. I'm glad you feel a bit more cheerful after seeing the lemon plate from TJ Maxx. It gave me a happy response too, but you know, you just can't buy everything. But sometimes I'd like too...=) And how. I have a disease I call 'wonderful-itis' and its wonderful to have...lol.

  5. Nothing blooming here in PA...and we received plenty of snow overnight...and more still coming down. But....it's March and almost anything goes weather-wise in March!

  6. Wonderful photos. I will come back and check out these memes! I guess you are getting snow as I write this! Or sleety rain. Sorry.

  7. Our daffodils are peeking through down here by Philly. Luckily, we missed the snow this week. I have a Tuesday Greens linky on www.craftygardenmama.com that I would love to invite you to. Hope to see you there!

  8. In Colorado -it takes a while - we are possibly getting more snow this weekend! Can't wait to get my hands in the dirt as this will be summer #5 for my Beatrix Potter Cottage Garden.


I hope you will visit often and leave a comment when you do. My blogging friends always put a smile on my face.