Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mending Fences

I thought this fence was interesting. Total privacy, blocking out the world beyond, but they took the time to carve little designs on top of each plank. I love the shadows of the 'tulip' tree that is cast on the wood. I am linking today with Theresa at Good Fences

Thought you might enjoy this poem about fences.


  1. A great photo for "good fences"; super!

    Greetings, Julie

  2. Nice fence and I like the shadows, too!

  3. The holes at the top of each plank soften the look a bit making it a tad more friendly.

  4. that top really does make that fence so pretty! thanks for the poem (and reminder), too!

  5. First, the poem. It definitely makes me ponder - I guess like most people I should work on this part of my life!

    The fence is lovely - my back fence is very plain although, when built many years back, I did insist on curved tops and finials on the posts to make it look less utilitarian.

    Latane, may you find happiness on this sad day - there are moments in history when some fences cannot be repaired come hell or high-water!

    Hugs - Mary

  6. That is interesting indeed. I like the design.

  7. Nice photo and a great fence. Love the poem. Its so true.

  8. You shared a great fence and poem.

  9. Nice fence and wonderful quote too!

  10. That is a really neat little design at the top of the fence and the tulip tree and shadows are very nice. - I loved the little poem about fences.

  11. Gorgeous fence and tulip tree Mom! Love the shadow on the fence too, and the design on each post. Really pretty! Nice poem as well, helping us to remember to not let torn fences stay torn in our relationships.

  12. I like the poem. Nice detail on the slats. Hard to imagine cutting all those. I really like those tulip trees, I hadn't seen one until just a year or so ago.

  13. A great poem and the fence with the blossom is very nice.


  14. Beautiful shadow pattern on the fence. you have a good eye!

  15. I thought this fence was interesting. Total privacy, blocking out the world beyond, but they took the time to carve little designs on top of each plank. I love the shadows of the 'tulip' tree that is cast on the wood. I am linking today with Theresa at Good Fences building a fence


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