Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas time is past.

Christmas time is past. 

and it was so warm it did not feel like Christmas. 

It was so warm the snowman in my grandson's front yard melted!! (hehe)

Linking with Through My Lens



  1. That was funny! Did you have a mice day?

  2. What a cute snowman. It has been warm here too. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  3. The trappings of Christmas is past, but spirit remains.

  4. Wonderful, funny melted snowman. Great image.

  5. ooooh that was the perfect decoration for this year's warm christmas!!! many thanks for the beautiful christmas card, it was a wonderful surprise!!!

  6. How cute is that! Glad you had a good time. xx

  7. Sorry you had such a warm Christmas! We did too, but I didn't expect you to! I'm also sorry I was out of touch over the holidays because of my stupid phone! :(

  8. Love your grandson's snowman - fun idea! Happy New year!

  9. Aahh, this is so cute, Latane. I always love to see the lit-up decorations on people's lawns. They're so delightful.

    I hope the new year is being good to you. Thanks for your comment on Jess' post. I don't make resolutions any more either, but my daughters still have lots of goals and plans. :)

    Have a peaceful Sunday.



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