Monday, February 29, 2016

Count Your Blessings

This past week I seemed to have developed a case of the "winter blues" and had a difficult time. But, the sun is shining this morning and life is good. 

Perhaps it was yesterday that was the turning point for me. Church is always a soul searching event for me and I always come away filled with God's love. The congregation sang "The Lord's Prayer" which I don't think I have ever sung like that before. Such comforting words, such an uplifting experience. So thank you, Pastor Michael, for that.

After church, with the sun beaming down on us, we drove to The Virginia Diner for lunch. That's sort of like going home for me... roots for about 13 years. 

Then on to see the devastation the tornado did to Waverly, Virginia. Of course, after 4 days of clean up a lot of the debris was gone but still it was shocking to see what that horrible wind can do to homes, people, things. I was so thankful that more were not killed or hurt. 
         Blue tarp was on many of the house's roofs. 

One basketball goal left standing, the other one ripped from the ground.

One of the homes destroyed.

Just rubble now.

The National Guard was busy at work still clearing away lumber torn from houses walls and roofs. They carried limbs, and personal items away as trash. 

So humbling, so sad. Just makes what mood your little winter blues have put you in, in it's place. Things take perspective! 
You count your blessings!


  1. I'm saddened by these pix Latane, and so thankful we were spared such devastation as the tornadoes passed thru NC with 6 actually touching down!
    God does work in mysterious ways at times and we always question things which hurt, mame, and even kill good people.
    But we must keep our faith because it's all we really have in this often wicked world. . . . . and yes, we must each count our blessings which are so many in this wonderful country.

    Glad you are feeling brighter now - with Spring on the way we all feel more cheery with the loveliness the season brings.
    Hang in there - hugs, Mary

  2. Your Sunday service sounded very uplifting. I really love hearing the Lord's Prayer sung. Remember, I sang it at Shirley's wedding! :-) The Va. Diner lunch I know made you feel good too, but that trip to Waverly as you said had to be really humbling. So sad! Glad your winter blues are on the run!


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