Friday, January 13, 2017

A Birthday Five

It's Friday time for a visit with Willy Nilly Friday and Five On Friday

Time is approaching for me to leave Alabama and head back to Virginia. It's been a fabulous visit. I've loved every minute.

1. Sons are wonderful creatures. Mine has treated me royally and I've loved being with him. I do think he's quite handsome, too.

2.  Sadie, my constant companion. She and I take naps together on the couch while waiting for Michael to come home from work. She's a great little dog. I will do a post on her soon.

3. I had a great birthday. We went to Grill 29 in Huntsville and had the best food. It just couldn't have been any better with lots of gab going on and attention paid by the staff to the birthday girl. (uh oh, no pictures.. they are still on my son's cell phone!!

4.We had a wonderful lunch with cousins that we had not seen in a very long time. Lots of catching up to do... Just a great time. It was the day of the National Championship football game. Look at Michael's shirt... guess who he was for?

5. Daughter Marie sent her gift here (the large basket of fruit and other things and the pink cashmere scarf) and Michael got me the dvd to watch along with my dinner out. I have more gifts waiting at home, I am told. Birthdays, regardless of how old you are, are special.


  1. Your terrier is adorable.
    Happy Birthday

  2. Enjoyed reading your post. Sadie is so cute! Love pups.

  3. Belated Birthday wishes, certainly looks like you had a wonderful time.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Whatever is Sadie going to do without you? Sounds as if you two have become quite chummy. Your son sounds like a salt of the earth kind of guy. I know that you have enjoyed your time together.

    I hope that you have missed the worst of winter weather while you were away and that everything will be wonderful at home. That fruit looks delish! Love the pink cashmere scarf, too.

  6. Happy Birthday!! Lovely moments from your week. If you would like to join again, please don't feel I am pressuring you, just letting you know, five on Friday is back again regularly now. Enjoy your gifts!

    1. I tried to go to your site but got some weird advertisement. I will try again.

  7. what a great birthday you had! sadie is sure cute and i bet she is missing your naps together! thank you for linking latane and have a great week ahead!

  8. I am so glad you got to go for this visit, It does a person good, doesn't it? Hope you have a safe and pleasant journey back home and looking forward to more posts and more pictures from your trip and visit, okay? Your b/day presents and meal out looked wonderful!

  9. So glad you had a wonderful birthday, Mom! Here's to many many more, and all of them as special!


I hope you will visit often and leave a comment when you do. My blogging friends always put a smile on my face.