Sunday, January 21, 2018

Barn or Store?

I'm counting down on my barn picture stash... it's getting low, Tom. And, no way to get anymore for awhile. 

I have questions about what this building really is. One minute I think it may have been a barn but that tall roof and open area in the front makes me think it's an old store where horses and wagons could pull up under. Does anyone have an idea about this thing? And, what about the rock formations in front? Maybe where horses could be tied up? Yet the side lean-to and top ventilation system makes me say 'barn' again. 

Linking with Tom over at Barn Collective


  1. Hello, I wish I could help. I have seen similar barns. Pretty photo. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week!

  2. ...well it sure looks like a barn to me, one with some fancy stone walls. As spring arrives I hope that you will have an opportunity to get out and about and pass a barn of two. Take care and stop back when you can.

  3. I think barn...maybe the overhang is so the horses could be re-shod under cover of the weather or some other similar activity, like nearby farmers dropping off their produce to be stored. I don't know. Love it though...that rock wall is definitely a much newer addition.

  4. It is a very interesting building, whatever it was used for. And maybe it is still in use
    Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!

  5. Well whatever is was built for it seems to be still in use---Yes?---Maybe it was a hay barn and then added lean-to for animals to have shelter.

  6. it is a neat one, that is for sure!

  7. Sorry Latane, but I too have no clue about this barn(?) That said, I was curious as to where you took the photo and maybe that could help with your question.

  8. Sorry can't help you ...
    But I do like the photograph.

    All the best Jan

  9. It's an interesting barn, for sure - love that old tin roof. Maybe it is a tobacco-drying barn? Just a guess.....the stone wall is wonderful. x Karen

  10. Barns like this are something that would attract me to sit there and paint it. I wonder what kind of barn it is. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm going to copy your blog address so I can come back and visit again.

  11. I think it is a barn of some sort. It reminds me of a cotton barn from the deep south. But on reading the comments, I think Beatrice has it right.


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