Sunday, September 16, 2018

Obedient Plant

I have been wanting to join in Garden Blogger Bloom Day and thought I'd remember this month. Hope it's not too late.... I  am one day late.

This is a plant my granddaughter found blooming next to their pond. I knew I remembered it from my childhood, couldn't think of the name of it for the life of me. We looked it up. It's the obedient plant. It's very old-fashioned. My aunt used to have them in her garden.


  1. It's a beautiful flower. I have never grown any, but now that I've looked it up I see I should be able to in my area. It's a mint family member, and I have a passion for mint family members! I guess they are pretty invasive.
    I put a note on my keyboard a few days ago so I wouldn't forget the 15th!

  2. Beautiful!
    I have seen this, but did not know what it was - Thanks for the ID!
    Have a wonderful week!

  3. I have seen this as well. Does it smell exceptionally sweet? Wonder how it got its name...maybe it doesn’t spread all over.

  4. This is beautiful. Not familiar with it, but I like it.

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