Sunday, February 10, 2019

Amazing Sunset

My daughter and I went for an overnighter to dog sit for her daughter and son-in-law. We spent a lot of time birdwatching as they have water at the edge of their yard. 

                   Does anyone know what ducks these are? We couldn't figure it out.

                                         Update..... they are green-winged teals.

                   This junco was just outside my bedroom window.

              I saw three birds I hadn't seen before. I can now mark them in my bird ID book.

When we left the Eastern Shore and was on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, we saw the most amazing sunset.

                                                  and 20 minutes later....

We felt like that God had painted this beautiful picture just for us! 

I wonder how often we take time to stand in awe of all the beauty that is out there for us to enjoy?

Linking with Through My Lens


  1. Great photos! Beautiful sunset!
    For help in IDing those ducks you could link this post to Saturday's Critters and I'd Rather B Birdin' - Eileen and Anni are birding experts, and always visit those who link in. If you need the links, you can find them at the bottom of my Willy Nilly Friday post.

  2. Such beauty, the sun setting is stunning.

  3. I love bird watching! And to see new birds is always exciting. Oh, and what beautiful sunsets! I know pictures never do them justice but these are so pretty!

  4. Beautiful photos, darlin'! You are amazing!

  5. Lovely photographs, amazing sunset.

    All the best Jan


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