Saturday, February 16, 2019

Barns In The Fog

Today it has rained...

I wonder if in the morning there will be fog....

There sometimes is when the rain and the weather are just right. 

Once on a trip, where I was taking pictures, it was foggy.

There's a mystery in things shrouded in fog, don't you think.



  1. Fog does lend mystery to a scene - who knows what kind of beasts are lurking out there!
    But I hate to drive in fog since we had a scary experience up on Skyline Drive. No, not Big Foot! Fog started moving in and kept getting thicker and thicker until we could barely see a few feet in front of us! We were keeping our Guardian Angels busy that day!
    Hope you have a great day with many blessings!

  2. Yes, indeed, and you captured it well...that mysterious fog surrounding the old barn...

  3. I love a good foggy morning. Not too much, I need a clear photo! lol These are great!

  4. Beautiful barns in the fog. love it!

  5. Fog does add quite an eerie atmosphere to photos.

  6. I actually enjoy rainy days and like barnms so both together is perfect with some fog added in, Latane.


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