Friday, February 15, 2019

Roses for Valentine's Day

What's a girl gonna do?

                  Valentine's Day and no sweetheart.

                                 That means no candy for me.....

                                                No flowers!

So, I bought myself some flowers.... 



  1. Beautiful Roses! When I was at Wal-Mart Wednesday there were more ladies buying flowers and candy than men. Of course, men tend to wait until the last minute to buy a gift!
    Today is Garden Bloggers Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens, and since it is winter there are more indoor flowers than outdoors. You could link up this post - a cut flower bouquet is OK.
    Is that small pot a real plant blooming? Use it for a Bloom Day post, the link-up will still be open tomorrow.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Good for you and they are beautiful!

  3. Good for you, Latane! I bought flowers for myself, too!!!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana

  4. You can never go wrong with buying flowers, Latane, no matter if it’s a holiday or not. They really brighten up a room and one’s mood as well...good for you to treat yourself!

  5. Yep! That sounds like a great idea! :-)

  6. Good for you! I bought myself a couple of cords of wood one time!


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