Saturday, March 9, 2019

My friends, the birds

They are back!!!

The osprey are here... at least Papa is. He arrives first, gets settled in and then Mama comes and helps him get the nest ready. My spring and summer will be filled with the adventures of the Osprey Family. 

And, I saw this bird the other day in a tree just outside my dining room window. I didn't know what it was but believe that it is a pine warbler. 

I took the picture through my window so it's a bit blurred. To I D it I got out my bird book. Here is what I used to gather my info. 

I mark each time I see a new bird. But, I've only been doing that about 4 years. I wonder how many more I've seen that I can't remember!! 

Don't forget to run your clock up an hour tonight.................


  1. Done! I do it early so it’s not such a start tomorrow!

    Good idea to mark your book when you saw the bird. Looks as if it could be a pine warbler to me. Does he have a pretty song?

  2. He’s got quite a rattler sound on the end of his trill. 😉

  3. Lucky you to have birds there. We have barren branches and nothing to attract them to the yard here...come on spring! xo Diana

  4. Isn't it fun when migratory critters return!!!! We're in the middle of a snowstorm right now.

  5. Wonderful to have Osprey! Pretty little Warbler, too!
    Have a great week!

  6. So jealous of the osprey, lucky you. Have a good week, Diane

  7. So nice that the Osprey is back.
    The warbler is such a sweet looking bird.

    All the best Jan

  8. Yes, we did remember to put ALL the clocks ahead in our apt, thanks for the reminder, Latane. We used to see so many different birds when we lived in VA just from our windows. Now the ones we see from the apt windows are gulls, geese, ducks and an occasional heron and hawk.


I hope you will visit often and leave a comment when you do. My blogging friends always put a smile on my face.