Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I've been comtemplating a cruise. I must be nuts!! Got it in my head that I might like to hop on a ship and go to Nova Scotia, Maine, Mass. etc. this fall.  Like I say I must be nuts. The squirrels have done been messing with my thinking cap.

So, I get online and look up cruises going north. The shiplines used to depart from Norfolk, right in my neck of the woods, but all they do now, I think, is the Carribean area cruises. Don't want to go south.

Now, I was getting excited about the whole thing but then I got to thinking. Dang, that thinking gets me in all kinds of trouble. I remember being aboard a ship once, long ago, and it was AWFUL..

The family sailed out of Honolulu for San Francisco after Elbert's tour of duty in Hawaii and Midway Island was over. He thought it would be a fantastic experience for us. There is that THINKING getting someone in trouble again.

Here we are with three children, a 7 year old, a 3 year old and one that is not quite 2. Elbert's years as a sailor makes him think that we will be fine. There was one problem. Mama (that's me) got very seasick - I mean I got seasick before we ever cleared the harbor and, I stayed that way for 9/10th of the trip (which, by the way, took an entire week). I could keep from upchucking if I lay in my bunk and didn't lift my head so it was Dad's duty to take the children to the mess hall for each meal. Poor babies, they were hungry little buggars. The steward would ask, 'Missy sick again?' and he'd send me crackers and oranges. Great way to lose weight but you don't want to try it. Trust me!!

Oh, did I tell you that we were on a Navy transport ship, a far cry from the luxury liners they have today. No comfy stateroom. No, we had four bunks in our cabin, maybe a chair and a built in bureau. That was, after all, over 50 years ago. Do you think perhaps the pharmaceutial companies have come up with better seasick medicine by now?

I'll let you know if I think it's worth taking a chance on. Hmmmm... there I go thinking again. Bad sign.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Glimpses of Smithfield

                                               I love Smithfield, Virginia

It's full of interesting old houses, detailed architecture, quaint shops and fabulous eateries.

I'd live there if I could but thankfully it is not far, so I can go visit anytime I wish.

These are some sights that draw me back again and again.

                                                              A Friends Fountain

Love the bay window in this white house trimmed in red

Look at the carved decor underneath the eave. And, the colors!! WOW
Even the tiled roof has a design!

How pristine is this? Blue with white and gorgeous gingerbread trim.

Scallops galore on this house.

Take a look at the 'spinning top' effect at the bottom of this turret.

Steps to nowhere. Just a painted door that you can not open.

One of the local bed and breakfast inns. Returned to it original splendor.

A dunce cap on a turret!

A brick wall scarred by dead vines and adorned with a star.

Do you have a favorite place to visit? Perhaps you'd like to share them with us. I'd love to see them.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


All winter long we wish for the hot, fun days of summertime. Now that they are here we can ...

Go to the park

Go fishing on the lake

Make cold lemonade

 swing with the grandchildren

hang clothes on the line to dry

Watch out for summer storms

Make sandwiches out of the first ripe tomatoes of the season.

 and make homemade ice cream (strawberry, peach, whatever your favorite is ) and eat until you are stuffed.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Rabbit Hole Invasion

As I chase that white rabbit down the rabbit hole in search of a new life, a new me, I suddenly discover that there is an invasion in MY rabbit hole. A not so young couple, Roscoe and Betsy,  have taken over my space, invaded my privacy. That's not nice so I sneaked up on them last night and listened to them talking.

Betsy: Roscoe, I've had a rough day, hopping all over Mr. D's garden next door trying to find me something to eat. I think I will rest here on this cool green grass for a moment. You don't think Mrs. B. will object, do you?

Roscoe: I don't know, Betsy. I heard her say just yesterday that she's 'finding herself'. Rcckon she is lost here in this part of the yard?

Betsy: Sometimes I see her tiptoeing about those rose bushes over there. Pretty roses, Roscoe. Why is it you never bring me any roses?

Roscoe: You don't eat roses, silly. I gather grass and leaves for you to munch on and it's never enough. What's wrong with you!! (turning away)  WOMEN!!!!

Betsy: Oh, Roscoe, I hear footsteps. Quick, let's hide in here. Ms. B. will never find us there.

For over two hours I watched those two rabbits enjoying my back yard. MY rabbit hole?  Guess I will have to share it with Roscoe and Betsy.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

More Tries at Adventure

In my last post I attempted to tell you that I've been one active person all my life. NOT. Don't let me kid you!! For many years I was a very crafty person with glue up to the elbows, bits of string and ribbon in my hair, buttons, shells and other interesting things all lined up in jars galore!! I made about anything and everything as long as I used my hands. I sure SAT a lot. Then came quilting. More sitting. I wasn't out hitting a tennis ball, making a strike (hehe) in bowling or sitting astride a horses saddle.
But, I did try, At least you could give me that.

I thought fishing would be a lot of fun. Nice quiet ride on a smooth lake, keeping an eye on my pole to see if I got a bite. Forgot I'd have to bait the hook. I am one squeemish gal. I would place the worm on a rock or the boat seat and hold it still with one finger, very gingerly I might add, while I threaded the hook through that worms body. YUCK. But, I did catch a fish!! I am so proud of myself.  Hubby looks proud, too. Or maybe he is laughing at the thought of me baiting my next  hook!!

I do NOT like heights... I mean really!! No kidding. I get dizzy just looking at a tall building but I rode this 150 foot tall ferris wheel at Navy Pier in Chicago. That is one tall ferris wheel. They only take you around once. I was just getting adjusted to it and enjoying the Chicago skyline when the thing stops and we have to get off. No fair.

I once tried my hand at fooz ball. Grandson Ken was my able teacher but it just wasn't my thing!

Two or three years ago I decided I wanted to ride a monster truck. So, went down to the county fair and climbed aboard and took a spin in that thing. I think I am getting a little more daring the older I get. Well, what the heck. Don't have a lot of time to waste trying out new things. Maybe another 10-15 years. Reckon I will get all those things on my bucket list done? Nah.  Wonder what I will try next.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


When I started this blog I said I was going to be sharing some new adventures with you. Well, I really haven't had any. Just sitting here, minding my own business, do the same old, same old every day. I get sooooo

I don't get out and drive much by myself. Scaredy Cat... I guess. I can find a kazillion excuses to stay home. I might have a flat, ( I have road assistance) - I might get lost (I have a GPS) - heavy traffic makes me nervous (that is true but I could find some place to go with less traffic) etc, etc, etc.

It's not as if I haven't tried some interesting and fun NEW things to do in my lifetime. I think I will share a few of those with you. 

I've never been a 'sports person'.  As a child I sat and colored in my coloring books or played with paper dolls. In junior high school while the class was busy playing volley ball, a friend and I sat under a tree and made necklaces out of clover blossoms. (My first 'crafty' thing to do). My high school activity was marching in the school band for football games (not too streneous although blowing that trombone took at lot of air). At 18 I started having babies and chasing kids... does that qualify as a 'sport'??

I did go to Gold's Gym after our children were grown but hurt my back and quit.

Oh, I tried my hand at some of those 'get up and move' things but my interest never lasted long.
I did try tennis in high school.... sort of.... and then years later was introduced to it again when the grandchildren played. DD Shirley caught me mid-air with one shot...

We didn't have horses when I was a teen but I did ride one once... A guy, who had his eye on me, rode his horse over to our house to 'hang out' and he persuaded me to climb into the saddle. No instructions. As I went lumbering off down the road astride that horse's back my Mom said the guy commented 'watch her bounce'.  That was the end of my horseback riding. He didn't come around anymore. Guess he figured that if I couldn't ride a horse I wasn't of much use.

I did ride a little after we got our DD Susan a horse. Wonder if I ever quit 'bouncing!!'

I tried my hand at bowling... once. Look at that form!!!

Does this paint a picture?  I try something and don't stick with it, if it includes work. he he.

to be continued.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sweet Tooth on Duty

Nothing like jumping on the scale and not liking what you see...

Then getting depressed about it....

All the tears and wringing of hands sets your sweet tooth into action.........

Oh my, what to do, what to do?

Time to bake some cookies, that's what. One of my favorites.

                                   FIG PINWHEELS


1 cup fig preserves               
1/2 cup chopped pecans                                                         
1/4 cup sugar

 You put the above ingredients in a saucepan and cook on medium heat, stirring constantly until sugar is all melted and it thickens somewhat.  Set aside to cool.

In a big bowl you mix

1/2 cup butter                           
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar                    
1 egg
2 cups flour                              
1/2 teaspoon soda
and 1/4 tsp salt

Cream the butter (or margarine) with the sugar. Add egg then beat.

Add dry ingredients to wet mixture and form into dough.

Chill thoroughly (overnight is fine). I'm thinking that overnight is way too long. An aching sweet tooth would keep you up all night, right?

When dough is chilled, divide into four parts. Roll one part of dough on floured wax paper into an oblong shape.

Spread the dough with 1/4 of the fig mixture.

Roll into a log (or jelly roll) shape. Be sure to seal all the cracks that appear!! You don't want that gooey jam oozing out and running all over the baking pan. Makes for a tough clean up job.

Wrap in waxed paper and twist the ends to fasten shut.

Do the other 3 parts of the dough the same way. Place the four rolls into the refrigerator to chill. I have been known to put them in the freezer for a little while, just to speed up the process. My sweet tooth is very impatient.

Slice dough into circles (mine are always oval) and bake about 10 minutes in a 325 degree oven. Cool on rack.

If you can stand it, take the time to place them on a pretty dish. If not, just dive in. So, so good.

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Tail/Tale about Squirrels

We have squirrels in our yard. Not a lot but some, enough to have kept us entertained for several years. When we bought the house those squirrels acted like they owned the place but then decided that we all would co-enhabit. We appreciate their kindness and good will and promise to let them bury their nuts in our yard and come back to dig the food up when needed.

We have birds, too so it wasn't long after we moved in that SIL John made Elbert a large 3 story bird feeder which was hung from a limb of the maple tree just outside our kitchen door. The squirrels, property owners that they were, decided that the bird feeder was their. So, they'd climb up the side of the garage, leap onto the maple limb and walk out to nibble away at the goodies.

One day Elbert was standing at the back door and all he could see was the tail of a squirrel hanging down on the other side of the feeder. Seems Mr. Squirrel was enjoying a meal at the cafe on level two of the feeder. Elbert was the kind of guy that loved fun. He was always telling jokes, laughing at his own jokes, whistling, just having the time of his life. So..... Elbert eased the door open and crept down the walk and reached up and grabbed that squirrels tail.

Oh, my lordy. That squirrel about had a fit. He leaped so high that he left half his tail hairs in Elbert's hand. He made one big splash from feeder to garage roof, took the roof in two big jumps and was gone. Oh, if I had only had a video camera handy. But, all we have are the memories of that squirrel running for dear life and the sound of Elbert laughing so hard he was crying.

For years Elbert would tell that story and he would laugh and laugh. Sorry, Mr. Squirrel, if you got scared out of ten years of your life. You added that much more to ours.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


How many words that start with the letter 'S' can you think of that would be an adjective for the word SOLITUDE?

Sad, perhaps or Sorrowful? Some people may think that solitude would make you sad, that you would need people around you. I think my children, at least some of them, think that I did not need to be alone after I lost their father.

But, think about other words:

Subdued  (to quieten, bring under control) My life needs to be quiet after years of caregiving.
Submissive (to yield or surrend) I need to surrend to the grief process and let it travel it's course
Sunny (cheerful) I do know that sunshine is just around the corner. I catch glimpses of it now and then.
Superb (of unusual quality)  I like who I am so I am very comfortable with ME for company.

Oh, there are lots of ways to describe solitude.

I find such peace in my solitude, a time to sit in my swing and listen to the birds sing and watch my flowers grow. That is a sign that life goes on.

I enjoy the quiet of my home. The time to sit and reflect, to think and plan and remember. As I often sit at the little table in my sunroom watching the traffic pass by, I know that life is moving along at the rate it always has but the windows are a barrier to keep the trials and stresses of everyday living as far away from me as possible. I need that shield right now.

I listen to Beethoven's piano concertos or Mozart's symphonies and let the music flow through my body, soothing at times, with crescendos rising here and there to awaken my sensibilites.

I like the hum of my sewing machine set to the rhythm of classical music over the radio. It gives me that comfort of things familiar.

And, yet. I can walk away, go sit in my swing, listen to the birds, watch people passing by and know  peace.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rain For My Flowers

I awoke at 6 a.m. to horrific thunder and sharp, bright lightning. Then the rain came and I could hear the plants sighing with relief. Not my flowers, for I keep them water. But, farmers corn crops around here are pitiful. The long blades of the corn stalk are curling from the heat. So, I lay in my bed listening to the onslaught of rain hitting the house and knew that it was God's way to telling us He is in charge.

A couple of days ago I walked around my yard, snapping a few pictures as I went. The Stella deOra lilies are just strutting. Son Michael planted those for me.

I love the color combination in the corner pots on the patio.

I set my Christmas cactus outside. It was pretty rootbound so GS Chris repotted it for me.  Now I am expecting some growth out of it. And some gorgeous blooms near Christmas.

With the new kitchen windows that were put in last August I have a large view of my side yard and patio. Just outside the windows I have planted (well, actually it was DD Marie who planted them) brightly colored petunias. I can enjoy them from outside....

and from the inside while I cook in my kitchen.